End The Summer With PRIDE
The end of summer is approaching, and we are just as sad as you are, but don’t fret because we are ending the summer right with a community party!!
Join us Saturday, September 10, 2022, for some food, fun, and entertainment. Come fill up on FREE food from <a class="qi72231t nu7423ey n3hqoq4p r86q59rh b3qcqh3k fq87ekyn bdao358l fsf7x5fv rse6dlih s5oniofx m8h3af8h l7ghb35v kjdc1dyq kmwttqpk srn514ro oxkhqvkx rl78xhln nch0832m cr00lzj9 rn8ck1ys s3jn8y49 icdlwmnq cxfqmxzd d1w2l3lo tes86rjd" tabindex="0" role="link" href="https://www.facebook.com/iscream4wings?__cft__[0]=AZXiaK8QA245iob02iT_lhqefZV_BxlYP-XAI_fPLaWIfWl6AO_o0r4_vesy2bVILyk_F_6RdI5U0_6qKhL7r4EhGQ-kx6zse0TtAzfjvJCYUfED6Yw0tAsNZgETm90Oda1XpW5Nr0TNQqSN_60PIG5EGhkquzLQJ2VwPkb_90-yr4TOY5DEw4liY6n-eA0X4cf83oWkdL1-_7QjHi2AZ0lt
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